Sabtu, Juni 28, 2014

Neva Gate of The Peter and Paul Fortress

One of my favorite theme of postcard is architecture building. So Irina from russia sent me this postcard :).
It;s Neva gate from Saint Peter  and Paul Fortress. the fortress founded by Peter the Great in 1703 and built to Domenico Trezzini's design from 1706 - 1740. In the beginnings it's used for a prison but today the building adapted as the central and important part of the state museum of Saint Petersburgh History.

The fortress also contains for Peter and Paul cathredal, which has 122,5 metres bell tower and become burial place of all Russian Tsars except peter II and Ivan VI.

It such a beautiful museum for me since I always enjoy visiy museum, hehe.
спасибо Irina :)

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