Sabtu, Agustus 24, 2013


It's new character on troubleshooters series. There's James "Diego" Nash and Lawrence Decker from agency. But the pair or couple or whatever you called it haha worked on Tom Paoletti's new project Troubleshooters Incorporated. short story  They must go to Kazbekistani to find the terorrist's laptop that missing during earthquake. The Computer specialist, Tess Bailey, also joined the team with Vinh Murphy and Dave. Tess that knew Jimmy and deck from the agency, pretending to be Jimmy's wife to enter the country. during the mission, Deck had more work to find Dimitri Ghafarri and his partner.Deck didn't know that the partner is SHE and actually Dimitri's wife. Unfortunately Dimitri was dead on Padsha Bashir's palace. Skip..skip..skip..Finally they met the wife, Sophia that also worked at agency with Dave. So they met the partnet and the laptop and rescue by seahawk of team sixteen. End the story, haha. oh by the way Murphy eing injured in this mission, huhu. And there's not side story from WW II, huhu. 

This book from scale 1 to 5 got perfect 5 of course, hehe.

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